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Urban Innovation

We tackle cutting-edge green city initiatives in our region that hold potential for application everywhere. First we incubate ideas, and then we deploy and test them. All initiatives include participation by public, nonprofit, private sector and neighborhood leaders.

Our innovations are applied within regions, neighborhoods and buildings. We believe these are important scales at which to innovate, because they are large enough to quickly make a difference.

We created a comprehensive regional roadmap for the clean economy that seeks to lower emissions and increase prosperity.

We focus on the creation of EcoDistricts as an important scale at which to create green cities.

We work on many building projects, including the world’s most advanced commercial green building.

Our other projects include:

  • The Portland: We Build Green Cities campaign, which is helping Portland convert its early leadership in sustainable development into increased business prosperity.
  • Developing an integrated “smart” infrastructure strategy that helps EcoDistricts identify ways to improve energy efficiency, cut greenhouse gases and attract investment
  • Developing a business strategy to bring bike sharing to Portland
  • Working with community leaders to create innovative EcoDistrict governance frameworks

We’re an unique nonprofit tasked with the role of bringing together business, higher education, nonprofit and municipal leaders to drive a set of next generation urban sustainability initiatives.